The Terms and Conditions

Last updated on 22 May, 2024

1. Introduction

These Terms govern the purchase, ownership, and use of Living Word Christian Academy (LWCA) Endowment NFTs. By participating, you agree to these Terms.

2. NFT Purchase and Ownership:

  • NFTs are available for purchase on the Polygon network for $25 USDT each.
  • Ownership entitles holders to potential annual returns and participation in quarterly tuition-free year drawings.
  • 3. Payment and Fees:

  • Payments must be made using USDT on the Polygon network.
  • Buyers are responsible for any transaction fees.
  • 4. Returns and Distributions:

  • Returns are projected but not guaranteed and depend on market conditions.
  • Annual distributions will occur based on financial performance.
  • 5. Risk Disclosure:

  • All investments carry risks, including potential financial losses.
  • LWCA is not liable for losses resulting from market fluctuations.
  • 6. Tax Implications:

  • Earnings from NFTs may be subject to taxes. Consult a tax professional.
  • 7. Intellectual Property:

  • LWCA NFTs and associated artwork are the intellectual property of LWCA.
  • 8. Privacy:

  • - We do not collect or hold personal information other than wallet addresses for transaction purposes.
  • 9. Amendments:

  • LWCA reserves the right to amend these Terms. Changes will be communicated via our website.
  • 10. Governing Law:

  • These Terms are governed by the laws of the relevant jurisdiction where LWCA is located.
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    Success in a Dynamic World
    with Faith and Purpose.


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